We aim to respond as quickly as possible

Whether you have a question, comment, or suggestion, we are here to listen and respond. Our team is committed to providing the best customer service possible. Please fill out the form below or use the provided contact information to get in touch with us.


Opening hours by country are Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 17:00.

  • +64 21 023 68989 – New Zealand / Australia, Middle East, India
  • +33 7 83 23 30 88 – UK, Europe, Middle East, India
  • +27 79 294 6903 – South Africa
  • Other areas – match a time zone to your own
  • 24-hour support by email: support@zardocs.com

After-hours support is available via email only from our international partners who operate in different time zones.

Client support is FREE

Before you call, have you seen our videos on how to set up a safety management system?
Go to the Resources for more information.

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We will use these contact details for following up on your request. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organisation. Our Privacy Policy.
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